Monday, March 21, 2011

Rave Weekend!

It's been a little while, I need to work on this whole frequent blogging issue! Well, not a whole lot has happened... We went to Roxy's on Friday, and met some delightful new people.  Then on Saturday, we went to Rave in the Cave at Batman's crib!  It was awesome to say the least.  Let's just say there were lots of glow sticks, neon color, hipsters, asians, music, and dancing.  'Nuff said!  It was a lot of fun... glitter fah days!!! 

The weather has been exceptional!  The Springtime is upon us, and I am so thankful!  Everyone enjoys the great weather on campus, and we all have a good time!  Also, speaking of spring--the Gayla is this weekend!  I can't wait.  It's Lady Gaga themed! :)  I'll try and post pictures of that when I decide what I'm wearing. 

I'm just taking it easy and enjoying the beautiful weather with friends and family.  I'll be back soon to give more interesting information, gossip and ranting... 

Have a fab day

Love and glitter

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Monster Ball!!!

So, It's been a while since we last chatted... but it was Spring Break!!!
First off, I shall talk about last night: Lady Gaga Monster Ball in Louisville, Ky!!! It was awesome: like a broadway musical/concert/rave/giant dance party/costume contest all rolled into one.  I hadn't seen so many fake Gaga wigs in my life... and glitter was everywhere! I was in heaven, to say the least.  This was my first Gaga concert, and it was AWESOME!!!!!  The only downside was that my camera had died just before the concert, so pictures from my phone didn't really turn out so well, bummer :(  But oh well, I was in such awe that i couldn't have properly taken pictures if I wanted to! The concert let me "Speechless" ;) ahaha. Gaga pun. anyway, it was awesome, fabulous, bright, crazy, and glamorous.  What else do you need? 

Also, this week, my friends and I spent a few nights in a cabin in the Red River Gorge.  That twas a lot of fun as well-- videos are up on my Facebook of what all we did :)  "Confessionals" were held everyday.  And Jennifer and I had fake interviews a lot. People got annoyed, but it's a hairflip.  We had one injury, but she's okay.  There was a lot of music, hiking boots, hot tub convos, sing-a-longs, grilling, make out sessions, stories, etc... ahhaha What happens at the Gorge, stays at the Gorge. 

I'll be headed back to school tomorrow-- which is kind of a bummer, but it's good to see everyone and catch up.  I got to hang out with a few friends over break that I hadn't seen in a little while, which was awesome.  I'm still thinking about the concert last night.  It was amazing, and I didn't even wear a crazy costume.  I was new to the Monster Ball, but now I know what to wear next time :)

Well, all is going well... I'll try to be back soon.  Hope all is well with the world.  Have a great day.

Love and glitter

"I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way!"

Friday, March 4, 2011


Sorry guys... it's been a long time. I shouldn't have left you, without a dope beat to step to.  Woah, sorry--my ghetto comes out sometimes, sorry!

Anyways, I made a video this time. I needed to say a lot, but still had to keep it short.  Hope all is well, i'll try to be back in contact soon!  Have a great weekend!!

Catch ya on the flip side...

Love and glitter

P.S. something about my sound got messed up, and my mouth and sound are off :( new one soon...