Cliche or not, it's true.
In a recent turn of events (or lack there of), I have decided to strengthen my writing and continue to blog like the old days. As you can tell from my last post, it's been well over a year since my last entry -- and that's a little pathetic. I am a 20-year-old college student... these are my golden years... according to my elders. Whatever the sad, pathetic excuse for not writing may be, it doesn't matter. I'm back, and I'm prepared to keep up the motivation to allow total strangers, such as yourself the pure enjoyment of getting a peek inside my life, and finding out really what is in that big hair of mine.
What really have I been up to? Well, that can be answered in a multitude of ways. I've been going to school, working, networking, socializing, having fun, working hard, exploring, and realizing the importance of values. I don't necessarily mean in a spiritual way -- just having these ideals that you can stand and live by. Never stray away from who you are, and never change for anyone. That's something college has taught me. Look at me sounding all wise and what not. Ha. That's funny.
I often times find myself walking around NKU's campus, in full student mode, and catching a glimpse of my fellow students. I look around, I take in the moments, and I realize -- wow, I'm really in college. Look at us, making a difference in our lives. Go us. Then I give myself a metaphorical pat on the back, wipe the grin off my face, and continue on my daily routine.
What else has been happening? I feel like I'm at Christmas dinner all over again. Anytime I'm around my extended family, just as I'm sure it is with yours, they always want to know what's new in my life. "How's school? What's your major? What are you going to do when you graduate? Dating anyone? I see you do a lot on Facebook -- I just love looking at all your photos!" And the list goes on and on. Sometimes I think it'd be more beneficial to just wear a t-shirt with the answers to these monotonous questions on it... But then I think mmm, better not. (Pitch Perfect reference, anyone?)
My life has been a string of decisions and highlighted appointments in a planner all year. The only reason I've honestly had the motivation to wright this much is because of my extensive winter break. I'm fairly certain that my accomplishments over break will consist of listening to countless hours of iTunes playlists, watching several seasons of How I Met Your Mother, as well as creating a crater in the couch just perfect enough for yours truly. Wow, my life is beautiful. I've also had the simple pleasure of being sick this past week. Yes, for probably the 20th Christmas in a row, I am sick. The joys of being an asthmatic.
At this rate, I'd be able to ramble on and on about the awesome turn of events that have been happening over this break. But that would be a lie. I haven't done much of anything, but I have really enjoyed this time to hang out with my family, and catch up on episodes of New Girl. Reading for pleasure has been a highlight, as well as actually having time to sleep, and not having to set an alarm to wake up. I honestly think that may be the simplest joy in life -- waking up to no alarm. How sweet it is. Do I envy the folks who have jobs outside of school? Not really, I work in a cozy office at school between breaks in my classes. I get holidays off, and I work with my friends -- it's pretty rad. Let the envy subside, and we'll continue to get reacquainted.
Okay, much better.
The best thing about blogging is having the opportunity to release my creativity, and talk about myself. It's weird actually. I don't talk about myself a lot... and now it's getting awkward. Way to go, Coco. I have this awful condition where I can't talk about myself, and when people give me a compliment -- oh god forbid it -- I just get all weird, I blush and just laugh. Like "haha, I laugh at your compliment." It's not meant to be like that, I apologize. It's an awful weakness, but we all have flaws.
And on that note, I think I'll sign off for now.
Here's to blogging more.
Cheers. Coco.